Frequently we get questions on the best way to book flights, so we decided to put together a list of pointers that may help you for your next trip!

Airline Alliances
Stick to one airline alliance for better airfare. Booking one airline on the outbound and a carrier from another alliance on the return, will increase the fare significantly.

Minimum Stay
For international travel without a weekend stay, fares can be higher.

Midweek Travel
Travel on weekends may be higher than travel Monday through Thursday.

Airline Fare Rules
The lower the fare, the more restrictive the ticket cancellation and change penalties will be. The same cabin can have several different fare rule options.

Advance Purchase
Generally, fares are lower with more advance purchase. Different airfares have cutoff dates for lower rates such as 3 months, 30 days, etc. Additionally, availability is better with more advance.

One Ways
Booking two one ways are generally more expensive than booking round-trip fares. In a scenario with only an estimated return date, booking a round-trip ticket and paying the change fee once the return date is determined, is usually more cost-effective than booking two one way tickets.

Complimentary Hold
As travel professionals, we can reserve the space while finalizing your hotels and land components. While airfare isn't guaranteed until ticketed and paid for, sometimes the airlines will allow us to hold a ticket for up to several days, saving you from an increase in fare.
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