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How to Stay Fit Away From Home

Trying to stay true to your wellness routine can be tough while traveling. Hotel gyms are often comprised of just a few random free weights and an old treadmill. And dining out offers so many options, it can be hard to stick to a healthy eating plan.

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We’re happy to report that many hotel chains are putting wellness on their list of amenities. For example, Equinox fitness clubs have expanded into the hospitality market and are now offering Equinox hotels.

Here are a few wellness travel tips that can also help you stay on track:


Pack your workout clothes on top, so they are the first thing you see when you open your suitcase.


Lightweight resistance bands are easy to pack and can ramp up a quick in-room workout.


Mapping out walking routes to your planned destinations is a great way to see a location and also get in some daily steps.


Consider passing on cabs and riding city bikes to get around town.


Making sure to drink enough water helps with food cravings, jet lag & staying regular.

Did you know we can recommend a hotel with a proper gym

or one that offers programs such as morning hikes or yoga classes?

Stay fit, we'll help

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