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Safaris, and Gorilla Trekking in Kenya

May 14, 2024

In Rwanda, Discover a Safari Like No Other

One of the best ways to protect mountain gorillas is to visit them – paradoxical though it sounds, tourism is helping to revive this endangered species one visitor at a time.

In Rwanda, conservationists work with tour operators, local guides, and lodges to create unforgettable experiences. Tourism dollars are funneled into the local economy, which helps residents and safeguards the wildlife.

Golden Monkey | andBeyond Gorilla Trek

Guests trek through lush jungle trails with expert guides to seek out the great apes and then watch in awe and wonder as the ape families go about their day, revealing oh-so-humanlike behavior. Listen to see if you can pick out the 16 different sounds gorillas use to communicate. The silverback alpha male's majesty and roar are as fascinating as it is bone-chilling.

Singita Volcanoes National Park | Mount Muhabura

Explore nearby Volcanoes National Park (where you might spot rare golden monkeys) and engage in additional cultural learning at sobering memorials to the country’s Civil War history. Also key – spending time at the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund research center to understand more about the good work being done for wildlife conservation.

One&Only Gorilla's Nest

Before or after your jungle trekking, immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the park by staying at one of the luxurious properties within the park's lush landscape. These resorts provide unparalleled access to diverse wildlife, including over 340 mountain gorillas, golden monkeys, and 300 bird species.

Mountain trekking to see gorillas may be the most incredible trip you’ll take.